The Library shows a filtered view of the repository folders defined in just:connect for the channel. Each tab shows the content of the repository folders in a similar fashion as the Finder's list view (including media related metadata).
Usage & Notes
- Scroll vertically to see all items stored in the repository folders.
- Scroll horizontally to see the media related metadata.
- Move the mouse to the beginning of a column separator, click-hold the mouse button and move the mouse to the left or right to change the column width.
- Click-hold a column header and move the mouse left or right to change the order of the columns.
- You cannot remove columns.
- Right clicking a file shows file level related options.
- Pressing the spacebar while a file is selected opens up Apple's QuickLook.
- You can hide/show and dock/undock the Library using the corresponding menu options in the View menu.
- You can navigate the Library like a Finder window (in list view) by using the arrow keys.
- To get more info about an item, place the mouse over it and wait for the popup message to appear.
- In case there are two Videos with the same name in the same folder but with different extensions, setting a new in/out-point and/or poster frame will apply the new settings for both Videos. Move the Videos to different folders to avoid this.
- Sorting Order: Changes the sorting order (from A...Z or from Z...A) of the selected tab.
- Open/Close Preview: Shows or hides the preview area.
- Refresh: Refreshes the content of the Library. This is useful in all situations where the content of the Library is not updated automatically. This can be the case because your disk storage does not support file system events or in situations where the metadata sidecar file is not generated correctly. In this case, pressing the refresh button only writes new sidecar files, but does not overwrite already existing sidecar XMLs.
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Library Preview Controls
Set In-Point (Videos only): Defines the in-point of a Video. Scrub the blue CTI and click on In to define a new in-point.
Go to In-Point (Videos only): Moves the CTI to the in-point.
CTI Position: Shows the timecode of the CTI position.
Go to Out-Point (Videos only): Moves the CTI to the out-point.
Set Out-Point (Videos only): Defines the out-point of a Video. Scrub the blue CTI and click on Out to define a new out-point.
Trimmer and CTI (Videos only): The yellow trimmer is a visual representation of the in/out-point. Using the blue CTI you can scrub through the Video, which allows you to get a better overview.
Step One Frame Backwards
Step One Frame Forwards
Play Range
Fast Forward
Realtime graphics items can also be previewed here. Use the play button to start the preview and to release stop frames. Use the rewind button to jump to the beginning of a realtime graphic.
Set Poster Frame (Videos only): Defines the poster frame which will be used for this Video.
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