Versions Compared


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This chapter covers the Channel Viewer in every detail. The Channel Viewer looks the same for each Input type (SDI, HDMI, and NDI®) of the Just In Mac Lite application.


  1. Timecode: displays the Timecode depending on the selected Timecode mode (see below).

  2. Channel View Border: when you click on a Channel Viewer it gets a colored (macOS Accent colour) border which indicates that the Channel is selected. You may select multiple Channel Viewers by holding the “Command” key. This is useful if you want to change the Capture Settings of multiple Channels at once.

  3. Channel Recording Border: when a Channel is recording, then there will be a red border around the video preview area.

  4. Record Button (“Command-R”): This button shows up as soon as you hover over a Channel. Press this button to start or stop the Recording of the selected Channel.

    • This button only shows up after selecting a valid Capture- and Destination-Preset in the Inspector.

    • If the Channel is in Schedule Mode, then you will not see the “Recording” button, as the Recording starts/stops automatically.

  5. Audio Bars: shows Audio levels (dB). Audio Channels (2, 4, 8, or 16) depend on the Capture Preset(s) of the Channel.

  6. Status Display: shows the status of the particular Channel Viewer (see below).

  7. Channel Info: click to switch between Channel Name, IP-Address & Port, Name of the current Recording or current Timecode.

  8. Lower Bar: within the lower bar you can choose between different timecode options, turn on/off the audio bars and switch between different Channel info options.

  9. Timecode Mode: click to select the Timecode Mode (see below).

  10. Channel Capture Mode: show the currently active Channel capture mode (CR=Crash, SC=Schedule). You may change the Channel capture mode by clicking on the button and selecting the preferred mode.

  11. Audio Bars: turn audio bars on/off.

  12. Upper Bar: displays the current Capture- and Destination-Preset selection. When clicking on the "C" or "D" icon, you will see more information about the Capture- or Destination-Preset.

  13. Capture Preset: displays the current selected Capture Preset.

  14. Destination Preset: displays the current selected Destination Preset.
