Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

You can use Metadata Values to automatically build the filename for a Recording. You need a Metadata Set to continue (as explained in the previous chapter). For this example, we will use the “example.xml” file (included by default in the scope of delivery of just:in mac).

This is how it will be displayed in the Just Control Inspector.

Image RemovedJIM2025_metadatasetsmd.pngImage Added


You can use each element of a Metadata Set within a Naming Preset. In the example above this would be “quality”, “custom Text” and “special”. Open the Just Control Configuration panel and switch to the “Naming Presets” tab. Create a new Preset and instead of using “%” + the variable name, use “!” + the variable name, as shown below.

Image RemovedJIM2025_namingpresetsmd.pngImage Added

Now switch back to Just Control, select the new Naming Preset, and adjust the Metadata Set values. The Naming Presets variables will be changed accordingly.

Image RemovedJIM2025_metadatasetsmdspecial.pngImage Added

This is an easy and efficient way to handle the file naming process by using Metadata Set values.


Avoid using any special characters such as “/“, or “:”, as they may cause issues with the file system. If you use these characters, you will encounter an “Invalid Filename” error message, and recording will not commence.