This new REST API provides almost all features of the well-known Just In user interface. The REST API can easily be tested with the Postman app.
Import into Postman by using an URL
If you use the Postman app on the same machine as the Just In Mac Lite NDI application, you can use this link - http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs - to import the API into the Postman app. Simply open the Postman app and and use the Import File Option.
Afterwards the API can be tested with the Postman. Please note that the IP address has to be adjusted.
Use http://editor.swagger.io
In case that Postman is not an option, http://editor.swagger.io can be used. Therefore open this link again - http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs - on the machine where the Just In Mac Lite NDI application is running and copy the contents of that page. Then open http://editor.swagger.io in a browser of your choice and paste the API JSON content to the left side of this page. The ToolsOnAir REST API can be seen on the right side of this page then.