Naming Presets can be used to accelerate the naming process within Just Control. From automatic file numbering to timestamps and user customised variables, Naming Presets provide file naming in an efficient and straightforward way. These Presets can be defined per Device and are available for all Channels of the selected Device.
Table of Contents |
Open the Just Control Configuration panel, select a Device, and switch to the “Naming Presets” tab.
Info |
Custom Variables: There are two types of custom variables. Variables with a “%”-sign can be modified within the Naming Section of the Inspector (“Settings” tab) and Variables without a “%”-sign are fixed and cannot be adjusted. |
The following example shows the difference between the two different types of custom Variables. “%Custom1” can be modified in the Inspector of Just Control, as it has a “%”-sign before the Variable name. “Custom2” is fixed and will be added to the file name automatically, and cannot be adjusted in the Naming section.
Add/Remove a Naming Preset
Switch to the “Naming Preset” tab and use the “Plus/Minus” buttons to add or remove (selected Naming Preset) from the Naming Preset list.
Configure a Naming Preset
Naming Presets consists of different types of Variables:
Info |
Custom Variables with a “%”-sign can be modified within the Naming Section of the Inspector (“Settings” tab) and Variables without a “%”-sign are fixed and cannot be adjusted. |
Work with predefined variables
Predefined Variables can be moved from the Variables list (4) to the Variable Drop Zone (3). There (3) you can add as many Variables as you want, you can remove, re-order, or adjust (double-click) them, and above the Variable Drop Zone (3) you can see the resulting clip name.
Add Custom Variables
You can add any text or Variable to a Naming Preset. When using an “%”-sign before the variable or text, you can make sure that this variable can be modified within the Inspector of Just Control (“Settings” tab -> Naming Section). When adding a variable without the “%”-sign, then this will be handled as static text within the file name.
Use the Global Variable
The Global variable will be used in all existing Naming Presets for the selected Device.
Work with Metadata Set Variables
You can use Metadata Set values as well in Naming Presets. Please have a look at the following page to get additional information: [JIM] Metadata Values in Naming Conventions v.6.01
Note |
Avoid using any special characters such as "/", or ":", as they may cause issues with the file system. If you use these characters, you will encounter an "Invalid Filename" error message, and recording will not commence. |