Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Table of Contents

There are different Metadata Types:

  • Selection: drop-down box, containing several, user-definable <item> elements.

  • Text: text field.

  • Checkbox: checkbox, can either be off ("0") or on ("1").

  • Date: Date selection via a text input field or a DatePicker.

  • Time: Time selection via a text input field.

  • DateTime: DateTime “DateTime” selection via text field or DateTimePicker.


All of these elements can be used as often as you want and in any possible order and combination.


Code Block
<control resetAfterRecord="1"></control>

Within this <control> element, you have to define the “name”, “label”, “currentValue”, and “type”:

Code Block
<control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <name>quality</name>					#use this name to address the value of this element within the ExportXML 
        <label>Quality</label>					#this name will be used to tag the element within the just:in interface (inspector)
		<currentValue>Medium</currentValue>		#sets the default value for this element
        <type class="Selection">				#defines the control type (selection, text, checkbox, etc.)

Selection Box

The Selection Box ElementBox” element can be used if the operator should choose from a predefined set of options:

Code Block
<control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="Selection">

Text Box

The Text BoxBox” element can be used for any element, which should contain text only:

Code Block
<control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <label>Custom Text</label>
        <currentValue>Insert your text here</currentValue>
        <type class="Text" default="Insert your text here"></type>


The Checkbox Checkbox” is for any elements, which that can only have two states:


This element lets you choose a date “Date”:

Code Block
<control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="Date" default=""/>


This element lets you choose a specific timeTime”:

Code Block
<control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="Time" default=""/>


With this element, a specific date and time combination Date” and “Timecan be defined:.

Code Block
<control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="DateTime" default=""/>

Date/Time/DateTime Format (REWRITE AND NEW SCREENS)

Changing the format of these metadata elements is straightforward. To simplify this task even more, we use the default system settings. To change it, open the custom format settings for “Dates” and “Times”, please proceed as follows:


  • Switch to the “Advanced” Settings (OBSOLETE)


  • Change “Dates” and/or “Times” Format Settings here ("Full:")(OBSOLETE)


StartUpXML Example

Please note that the StartUpXML StartUpXML” file structuremust follow the rules mentioned above; otherwise, the Metadata Sets will not work correctly and can lead to unexpected behaviourresults.

Code Block
    <control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="Selection" default="2">
    <control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <label>Custom Text</label>
        <currentValue>Insert your text here</currentValue>
        <type class="Text" default="Insert your text here"></type>
    <control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <label>Custom Date</label>
        <type class="Text" default="YYYY.MMM.dd"></type>
    <control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="Checkbox" default="0">
    <control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="Date" default=""/>
    <control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="Time" default=""/>
    <control resetAfterRecord="0">
        <type class="DateTime" default=""/>

ExportXML Example

The ExportXML ExportXML” file can have any possible structure. As mentioned above, the variables defined in the StartUpXML StartUpXML” can be addressed as shown below.
