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This page This chapter provides an overview of the steps needed to create a new Metadata Preset from compiling by combining both “StartUpXML” and “ExportXML” files to creating create a Destination Preset with Metadata Path and recording. (CHECK THIS SENTENCE)


Let’s start with creating the “StartUpXML” file, which describes the actual structure of the available elements in the Channel Inspector. You can use different element types. In this example, we will only use a Selection box.


Now we can add our first element. Let’s start with a Selection box, where the operator should be able to choose between different items. The structure looks like this in the “StartUpXML” file. Please note the “<name>” tag of that element, as you will need it for the ExportXML ExportXML” later.

Code Block
        <type class="Selection">


In the next step, we have to ensure that the ExportXML matches the wanted values of the StartUpXML.



The XML attribute “name="%Just_In_Clipname" - refers to an internal variable, which can be used to insert channel-specific variables into the ExportXML ExportXML” file.

Now, let’s build a new Metadata Preset with the XMLs, we’ve just created.


Open Just Control, then open the Just Control Configuration Panel panel and switch to the Metadata Sets Sets” tab. Press the “+” button to create a new Preset, adjust the name, and choose the StartUpXML StartUpXML” and ExportXML ExportXML” files. Press the “Create” button to complete that the process.


Next, let’s create a new Destination Preset with a Metadata Path.


To export metadata at the start (or the end) of a recording, we will need a new Destination Preset with a dedicated Metadata path. Again, open the Just Control Configuration panel, switch to the “Destination Preset” tab, and create a new preset Preset. Note that you need require two Container paths here, one for the High-res file (“Main Container”) and one for the metadata Metadata export (“Metadata Container”).


Channel Inspector and Recording

Once this has been completed, open Just Control and select a Channel. Within the Inspector, select the new Metadata Preset, select choose if you want to write the metadata file at the “Start” or the “End” of a recording Recording (“Write at…”), adjust the contents of the element(s), and start recording. After the recording Recording has ended, you should see the ExportXML ExportXML” file at your location of choice, which should look similar to this.:

Code Block
<file name="">

Please note that you can add as many elements in your StartUpXML StartUpXML” and in any combination that you want. There are no limits, whatsoever, that may affect the metadata processing. If you have questions or need help with the steps above, please do not hesitate to contact us.